To my friends and fellow creatives who are feeling stuck, stagnant, or like they've outgrown their creation,

I know what you’re going through because I’ve been there, standing right where you are now. The spark inside you that refuses to die—no matter how much doubt, frustration, or outside pressure tries to suffocate it—is relentless, isn’t it? That call to create, to express what’s burning inside of you, won’t go away. Even when it feels more like a burden than a blessing, you can’t abandon it. It pulls against our natural instinct as creatives because it feels like we’re going against the divine when, as the creator, we must walk away from the creation. I couldn’t either. There was a moment when I had no idea where this path would lead me, but I knew staying still wasn’t an option. And I also knew I couldn’t stay the same. I stepped into the unknown, driven purely by passion and the belief that I had something more to give. And that’s where your journey truly begins—on the edge of uncertainty, trusting yourself to find your way.

I also hit that point where the familiar wasn’t enough anymore. You know the feeling, right? You’ve been doing the same thing for a while, maybe even seeing some success, maybe even abundant success, but it no longer fulfills you. It doesn’t satisfy you the way it used to. I tried to hold on, too—clinging to past wins, the old mission, and strategies that had brought me here—because stepping into something new felt terrifying. But eventually, the game no longer felt fun, and the sport no longer felt true. I couldn’t ignore the need to start over. Reinventing yourself is scary, especially when everything inside you is screaming to stay safe, but deep down, you know there’s more waiting for you. Trust that whisper—it’s the divine making contact. Fear might be loud, but it’s not stronger than the desire to evolve. Every ending is a new beginning.

The challenges, the setbacks, the moments of doubt—they’re all part of the process. I’ve battled imposter syndrome, stared at blank screens and empty canvases in my mind, feeling completely lost, and wondered if I had anything left to give. But every time I wanted to quit, something inside me refused to back down. The struggles have a way of forcing you to dig deeper than you ever thought possible. And through those trials, you’re not just building skills—you’re finding yourself. I came out of it with more than just a new artistic vision or a different creative approach; I came out transformed. That’s the beauty of starting over: it’s not just about creating something new; it’s about becoming someone new. Keep going, because on the other side of this struggle is the breakthrough you’ve been searching for.

Believe in your potential, embrace the challenges, and keep moving forward. Success isn't immediate—it's built through perseverance, passion, and sometimes, reinvention. Don’t be afraid to let go of what you’ve created, the audience you've built, or the person you once were. We can’t grasp the ropes of the new while still holding on to the ropes of the old.





Feedback is always appreciated. Please feel free to ask any questions or share any thoughts you might have in regard to this post. I love opening up the space for communication and will always respond. 

Your friend,
