The feeling of getting packages delivered from all across the world never seems to get old. I have broken many of my addictions but camera collecting, or hoarding to some, is a vice that I just can’t seem to kick. It’s to the point where I quite often find myself scrolling through the blue-screen until 2am searching for my next fix. I don’t recommend going down this costly and timely rabbit hole, but if you decide to dive in head first, I created a new instagram account that will showcase cameras that I’m into or ones that I’m willing to let go of for a fair price. I’ll be adding photos and information on them so you know what to look for if you’re also in the market for a new film compact. I highly encourage any collectors out there to submit their favorite point & shoots so I can post them (and tag you of course). Eventually I would like this to bloom into an actual camera meetup where we can nerd-out over film shooters and talk about photography.

Be sure to follow the Steezy Studios Camera Club Instagram account as I hope to build a network and social setting for camera collectors and camera snobs alike; or for those who are simply just curious about cameras and which one they should buy. I really, and I say this with a tremendous amount of honesty, I really hope everyone out there at some point uses a film camera. I cannot express to you enough the feeling you get when you load a roll of film and then get your scans back for the first time. Its one of those experiences that consistently seems to uplift my day, my mood and my creativity, which in turn, has me hooked.
