There have been times when I’ve stumbled, fallen, been lost in the darkest places of my mind. Been confined within four walls and ultimately isolated myself in my thoughts. I’ve lost it all many of times but one thing has always remained consistent, I’ve always found a way to a more fruitful day once the mental, creative or financial storm has passed. This new chapter is by far going to be the most scariest. The one where I give up my security in order to truly live a life of experiences. I’m letting go of my possessions, all of the empty tangible shit that I once thought was so important and going to replace it with discovering what truly makes me happy.  I don’t know who or what I’m going to stumble upon on this new journey but all I know is, if it doesn’t have substance, inspire me, help me grow or make me smile, I’m not fucking with it. Life is too short to be spent mentally shackled by darkness, fear or questioning the “what if”. It’s time to live an abundant life and I know that begins with leaving LA and exploring the world. So goodbye to my apartment that once was a creative and happy place but has now just become a constant reminder of a love lost, money lost and indulging in the evils to simply mask the heartbreak that I’ve had to endure. Time to become more creative, ambitious and a better version of myself. Thank you to the handful of friends and family who have really stuck by me these last couple of months. I’m known to be horrible at truly expressing my feelings or showing that I’m hurt, but fuck, I have really been in one of the darkest places I’ve ever been. I can truly say I don’t know if I would still be on this earth if it wasn’t for them constantly reminding me that this sad, depressed and counterproductive person isn’t who I truly am. We all deserve the fucking right to smile. The scariest part of any new journey is the first leap, after that… you’re flying.

- Danny Steezy