Hi, I'm Danny

It's really nice to meet you and I look forward to helping you build and create a new experience through a new story and perspective that catapults you or your company forward. I'm here to help you by actively listening to your journey and paying close attention to how you got to where you are, and where you wish to go. By intentionally looking for and spotting the roadblocks that you're perhaps not seeing, we can begin to dismantle the frameworks that's keeping you stuck. From there, we'll tailor a formula forward that's distinctively your own. 

Over the years I've learned how to turn what's brewing inside of my clients heads into something tangible. Whether that's in a personal or professional pursuit, the two mirror one another. And of course, I first learned how to harness this power by exploring within myself and then exploiting these useful discoveries in my own life. Now I use these tried and true tools in the service of others. 

From concept, to commerce, from a state of friction and discouragement, to a sense of peace and joy. Let's get you to a place where you can fall back in love with the doing, the process, the luxury of creating an experience that can lead you to fulfillment. Let's actualize your full potential into something desirable.

You don't have to do this alone

You're the driver on this journey and the destination is your own. I'm just the co-pilot on this road trip helping you find new routes and roots when you feel creatively, mentally, or emotionally lost. Allow me to be the trusted, affirming, voice that reminds you to keep going when life is trying to fool you into thinking you're out of gas. Let's go on this adventure called 'Expansion', together.

"Just because I dance in the wellness space doesn't mean I have to be esoteric or woo-woo. I will never compromise my authenticity just to appeal to a market."

"Creativity is my passion, but helping people is my purpose."


We'll meet each other exactly where we are. Tell me your story and don't hold back. Information is the key that opens new pathways to success and freedom; internally and externally.


We'll map out a plan of actions that create solutions. We start by engaging with your goals, your future projections and your relationship to Self. Here we'll get to the root and can begin to plant new seeds for growth. 


We'll access and reinvigorate your self-belief and worth. You'll learn how to silence those self-discouraging thoughts that stifle and suppress your creativity, kill your dreams, and keep moving your targets. You will become self-empowered.


We'll build a bridge from where you are, to where you want to go. This is a beautiful access-point to your resilience and internal superpowers. This is where you unlock your full potential and become fully integrated. Freedom starts in the mind, this how you stop playing and living so small.

Let's get started 


You made the first step by hitting send, thank you for being brave!

Together, we can stretch beyond the scope of your current internal abilities and transcend into an expansive space where creativity and joy can be unleashed inside of you. Who and where you are today doesn't have to be who and where you are tomorrow. It's time to dismantle the roadblocks of your success and recharge the creativity that's being held captive by all the distractions and limiting beliefs. 

You can either keep listening to the distorted noise in the world outside of you, or you can start paying attention to the beautiful music playing within you. Allow me to be the speaker that helps you find your true rhythm.

Through positive energy, mindful strategy, and focused creative momentum, we can begin to bring your vision to fruition. I believe in my skillset and I believe that you have it in you to go beyond your thresholds. 

What to expect next

Now that you've decided it's time for you to elevate your position so you can finally reach for the treasures that are awaiting you, I'll do the same by reaching out to you. Be on the lookout for your invitation to our first in-person or Zoom consultation in your inbox. 

See you soon!

"The reason why I'm so sure a better you is waiting for you, is because I was once the worst version of myself until I went on a journey within. That's where I found the most beautiful version of Me."

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