The Konica® Hexar AF became my new favorite camera after the first roll. Everything about it makes it a pleasurable shooting experience and I figured I might as well buy a few accessories since I know it’ll be in my permanent collection. First, I had a custom leather black on black half-case made by a wonderful artisan in Japan. It took about a month and a half but the outcome is truly a thing of beauty. Next, the good people over at Peak Design® was kind enough to send me a quick-release Slide strap. I then added a 46mm-49mm lens adapter to fit a bunch of old Japanese made filters that I ordered including my favorite, a black pro-mist (when buying filters be sure to purchase superior glass that won’t dilute the quality of your lens). I honestly think this camera could single-handedly take on the tasks of pretty much every 35mm film camera that I own. It’s super versatile and produces photos that never seem to disappoint. The only other camera that I’ve been using is a T4 when I need something small to throw in my bag. Which then makes me question why I’m hoarding so many other cameras that seem to sit in a cabinet all day. 
